A Picture of Reality

Endless search for answers… You are searching for something elusive… A journey to life is bursting of both blissful and melancholic stop-overs. Some would say that student life is very simple. You just need to attend class, and focus yourself in your studies. They would probably think that there are no difficulties. But the true stipulation is…

Inside the back-pack of an ordinary student, this is what you will find--a small amount sufficient for his whole day expenditures, pens that somewhat running out of ink, books with marks made during his review for their examination and a hopeful pair of eyes aiming to speed up his studies for him to be able to help his family. From these, we could have clear shots of how Filipino youths strive for formal education even if the country’s approaching low on budget and peace.

But what really ensues is the construction of fragile dreams and false hopes under the honest society. There are so many families who can’t afford sending their children in school due to scarce resources and lesser opportunity for employment. It bears despair to them. Yes, scholarships determined them to finish their studies and enthusiastically faced challenges in their everyday lives and say goodbye to unworthy and undesirable things as part of being a youth, to give way for EDUCATION, from which they believe will be the answer to their questions. But, it seems insufficient for millions of aspiring innocent souls.

Some would woke up early each morning with lavish foods to eat, elegant clothes to wear and more than enough penny to spend for some requirements in school. Ironically, this is definitely NOT the real picture of a Filipino student, who has nothing much of the material things but only has a handbag of hope and a wallet of knowledge. Different faces of different masks were encountered within the places we’ve been through. Searching for answers is also an endless search for more questions… Questions with a blur answers… Of questions... And what’s more???

What is really waiting for them??? Answer???

-Nelsielene S. dela Paz